Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Calling all Wonder Women!!

I got the job. Not sure how I really feel about it - bitter sweet, I guess. I'm looking forward to the independence it will bring, but at the same time, I'm a little nervous about the trials and tribulations that are ahead of me as a working mother. That said, I'm pretty proud of the fact that my employment hit rate was 100%! Two interviews and two job offers - not bad considering I've been seven and a half years out of the workforce! I turned the first job down because the hours were just not going to fit in with family life and it involved a rather lengthy full time training period. Some judged and told me that beggars can't be choosers, but I knew the right job would turn up, and it did.

So now I'm calling on all the other Wonder Women out there - all those fantastically brave and busy working mums - and asking for your advice. What tips do you have for me? How can I keep life running relatively smoothly, whilst still maintaining my sanity? Do you have a routine that helps you to get things done? Any easy meal ideas, or school lunch tips?

I'm new to this game and would really appreciate any advice you might want to share. Drop me a line and help me out. Please??

1 comment:

  1. Hi Honey,
    weekly menu plan, so you get home and you know exactly what is on the menu for that night (think you do that already)
    big calendar up and write down school events and appts etc as soon as you know about them
    no matter how tired you are at nightime always pack the lunches and bags, uniforms the night before cause you never know when you are going to have one of those mornings!
    on the weekend make up a big batch of biscuits,cakes,slices etc and freeze in single serves.
    hope one of these might help.love noa.xx
