Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I know, I know...

....I'm practically old enough to be his mother (well, a really, really young mother), but honestly, how could you not have a monstrous crush on this beautiful man...

I am suffering a little with vampire withdrawals at the moment. Quite pathetic coming from a mother of three, but I know I'm not alone. Right, girls??

We are only a few months away from the release of Eclipse - I am SO Team Edward! - and at around the same time, we'll have the release of the latest Sookie Stackhouse novel, and series 3 of True Blood!

Eric Northman.... mmmm, I could just spread him on a cracker....


  1. LOL! It is not an obsession I have let myself get close to yet ... still resisting!

  2. You're a stronger woman than me, Jen!! lol..

  3. you are not alone!!

  4. tragic but true .... I love the books and that damn cute vampire!!!

  5. You are not alone! I am your age also and I absolutely adore Rob. So terrilbly sad I know! Cannot wait for Eclipse.

  6. Forgot to say how happy I am to see a little bit of vampire love on your blog!

  7. I've resisted the whole Twilight/Vampire thing so far (so good), courtesy of trying to teach a class of year 9's English during the peak of the phenomenon! Very interesting classes they were, too, when you discover that they are all hiding their Twilight books in A4 sized pencil cases, or under desks and reading them while your back is turned to write on the board.

    But, I did like RP as Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter. Myself, I'm a Colin Firth/Mr Darcy girl.

  8. Ha, ha, both are pretty cute, cheers Marie
